Go Cambodia and enjoy this really beautiful country

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How to contact us, for enquiries & advertising

email: fuzzyken@hotmail.com

Text: SMS to 0976822630  However, for those outside Cambodia, please include the country code, so dial +855976822630


Advertising on this site:

Buying or selling, individuals or companies that wish to advertise on our site, please email your requirements, & if possible, include an image. We can place your advertisement on the most appropriate page, or perhaps something more prominent in the RH sidebar, with a direct link to your website, at a pre-agreed fee. Furthermore, if required, we can produce a simple banner for your approval. All advertising enquiries to fuzzyken@hotmail.com


Our bookshop in Thailand

Due to covid and other factors, we have found it necessary to re-arrange our open/close hours, and wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused. So to avoid a wasted journey, please call us prior to travel. However, any questions which require a quick response, please phone/text to Cambodia as above.

Furthermore, for all general enquiries, please email us at: fuzzyken@hotmail.com


Book search 

Looking for a particular book? we have a comprehensive, searchable database for our stock of more than 2000 books, at this link:


Moreover, should we not have the book you are looking for, we can undertake a wider internet search

We look forward to hearing from you, and will respond promptly. Moreover, thank you for your continued interest and understanding during some really challenging times.


Hi everyone, and thank you for your response to our reviews and images for places we’ve visited, and always look forward to hearing from the many thousands that visit this site. For us, feed-back is very important, whether it be about our own content, or the services received at places you’ve visited: Good, Bad, Funny, Sad, please tell us what happened, confidentially, with an email to fuzzyken@hotmail.com and we will try to make things better for future travelers.


For general news: https://www.phnompenhpost.com/national


Please check our health and safety advice at the following link: https://fuzzykensblog.com/travel-health-and-safety/


We really value your comments & suggestions about our website etc. which please make by email to fuzzyken@hotmail.com.


Reviews & Editing

This guide is reviewed & updated frequently, using information from different sources. However, because we can’t be everywhere, all the time, we’re happy to hear from anyone who would like to comment, contribute ideas & updates to improve overall site content.

Furthermore, for help and guidance, may we suggest that you check the page links in the right-hand side bar, where you will find all sorts of useful help and advice ?